Easter at the Piano Mill 2023

Sunday 9 April 2023
3:00pm  – 4.30pm and 4:00pm – 5:30pm AEST


the world premiere of “Be Prepared: Peak Plastique” by Vanessa Tomlinson,
Erik Griswold and Anna McMichael in Lagavulin;
Gondwana Echoes by Renata Buziak with Jan Baker-Finch,
Tomlinson and Griswold, outdoors sounding the valley;
Piano Mill Extraction (Bruce Wolfe – tractor) featuring the removal of a piano,
and then a duo between solo pre-loved piano (Erik Griswold) and the pianos in the mill
(Colin Noble, Alistair Noble, Vanessa Tomlinson)

Easter at the Piano Mill continued its new intimate format with Be Prepared, featuring Clocked Out (Vanessa Tomlinson and Erik Griswold) and Melbourne-based violinist Anna McMichael. Performing in the amazing acoustic of the 40-seat Lagavulin concert hall the trio explored how to prepare their instruments - piano, percussion and violin. Part art project, and part sonic transformation, the trio transformed their instruments with locally sourced organic material, and locally found plastic waste to create a set of minimalist unexpected sonic patterns.

Peak Plastique
Piano – Erik Griswold | Violin – Anna McMichael | Percussion – Vanessa Tomlinson

1- Polypropylene (PP) C3H6 Erik Griswold - Prepared Piano, Violin, Vibraphone
2- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) C2H3Cl Erik Griswold - Humous container, violin, Stars Wars Plastic, Piano
3- Peak Plastique Anna McMichael - Single Use Plastic Bags, Plastic Bottle, Bread Bags, Drums, Vibraphone, Violin, Prepared Piano
4- Nylon (C6H11NO) GRISWOLD, McMichael, Tomlinson - Bowed fishing line piano, plastic knife, plastic straws, plastic cord and bowed vibraphone
5- Lego - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) (C8H8)x·(C4H6)y·(C3H3N)z Vanessa Tomlinson - Piano, scordatura violin, vibraphone, drums
6- Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)C10H8O4 Erik Griswold - Piano, Violin, Drums
7- Vinyl Chloride (VCM) C2H3Cl - Erik Griswold Vinyl LP, Vibraphone, Piano, Violin
8- Bubble Wrap - Low-density polyethylene Vanessa Tomlinson - Bubble Wrap (audience participation), vibraphone, drums, violin, piano, chopsticks
9- Sustainable Seaweed Packaging – Anna McMichael - Melodica, Waldteufel, violin loop pedal, piano, violin, vibraphone
10- Eucalyptus obliqua – Erik Griswold - Data sonfication of Eucalyptus Oliqua DNA (Messmate), Messmate leaves, Messmate twigs, piano, violin
11- Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) C2F4 - Erik Griswold - Violin, piano, vibraphone

Gondwana Echoes
Jan Baker-Finch - movement
Erik Griswold – percussion
Vanessa Tomlinson – percussion
Renata Buziak – fabric
Vicki Kelleher – poetry

Piano Extraction (Bruce Wolfe on tractor, Erik and Vanessa)
Piano and Mill Duet (Erik with Vanessa, Alistair Noble, Colin Noble in the Mill)

2023 creatives:
Jan Baker-Finch, Renata Buziak,  Erik Griswold, Greg Harm, Vicki Kelleher, Anna McMichael,  Alistair Noble, Colin Noble, Vanessa Tomlinson, Bruce Wolfe


The Gallery


Banner image by Tangible Media